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New Online Pilates Classes


Updated: Mar 29, 2021

Want a stronger, more improved version of you?

Do you want to?

✔ Increase your suppleness?

✔ Improve your straightness?

✔ Improve your crookedness

✔ Be more stable?

✔ Have a more independent seat?

✔ Increase your stamina

✔ Improve your core strength?

If you're fed up of bingeing on Netflix, why not join our online Pilates Classes for just £5.00 per session.

We're also offering a FREE trial video with EVERY New booking.

£5.00 - That's less than a glass of wine in the pub... Not that any of us are enjoying wine in a pub at the moment...

If the post-Christmas slump is getting you down, join us every week with our online pilates sessions. Although geared more towards horse riders, our fun pilates classes are something that everyone can benefit from, whether you ride horses are not.



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